
What the Captain America Reveal Means for His 75th Anniversary

If you’re a Marvel fan, chances are you’ve seen or read a lot about Captain America: Steve Rogers #1.

The new series, which sees Steve Rogers once again assuming the mantle of Captain America now that his serum is back (with Sam Wilson still in the role as well), is written by Nick Spencer with art by Jesus Saiz, and revealed a shocker of an ending.

Steve Rogers is HYDRA, and has been all along, even before he became Captain America. Marvel executive editor Tom Brevoort told USA Today it really is Steve, and not some clone or impostor, and that he joined HYDRA alongside his mother as a child.

This is, understandably, causing a rift in the Marvel fandom, with several fans denouncing the mere idea, and other voices encouraging to give the series a chance.

However, one of the most interesting, and telling, aspects about this series is that it’s coming out in 2016, the year of Captain America’s 75th anniversary.

Is it really believable that Marvel would take one of their (now) most popular characters and defame him during his anniversary? To that end, does this storyline even hold any weight? Well, it depends on how Marvel does it. There are plenty of times we know the outcome to a story, but the journey makes it worth it.

For all intents and purposes, Marvel will celebrate Cap this year, but does that mean this journey is the right way to do that? It’s fairly explicit in the issue that HYDRA in the present is a Neo-Nazi organization and taking Steve on a journey as part of this organization, only to turn it into a celebration of all that is great about Steve Rogers, which is undoubtedly what they’re going to do, is a huge risk.

This move is already alienating fans, and it’s hard not to see why. Only the first issue is out, so it’s impossible to say where Marvel will take this revelation, but the sour taste is there. Revelations likes these have been done before in stories, but in a year meant to celebrate Cap, it’s reasonable for fans to take issue with how Marvel is going about this, especially with all HYDRA stands for.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 is currently out, with more issues on the way.

What do you think of this reveal? How do you think it will progress? Share your predictions below!

Source: The Daily Dot



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